Sunday, June 29, 2014

Women Of Essence TV is coming out with there first Jet size Magazine in the month of August. I will be the first Author to be Featured on there cover page.

Women Of Essence TV Magazine will be featuring and recognizing Phenomenal Women Authors in there Magazine every Month. In order for you to be Featured on the cover of the magazine you must submit a "High Resolution Photo" no exception.
"We understand times are hard all other photos of you and your books will be accepted and will be photo shop".

Women of Essence TV Magazine will give you a list of Author's that will be Featured/Recognized every month in advance! You will know what month what Author will be Featured.

If you wish to be featured. Please send a copy of your book BY JULY 3RD, 2014 to;

Women of Essence TV for review.
P.O. Box 20651
Houston, Texas 77225

It is free to advertise your Book/Books in the Magazine. All that is require for advertisement is the following:

1. Biography of you the Author
2. Contact information
3. Where viewer could purchase your book
4. Photos of you and your Book/Books
If you are interested please email

Thank you,
Women of Essence TV
I Will Be At The Women of Essence TV Event....See You There!!!

Women of Essence TV are hosting its first annual Women's Authors Book Signing and Film Festival in Houston, Texas. To Promote and Market Phenomenal Women Authors in the Publishing Industries.

On July 19th Women of Essence TV will be hosting its first annual Book Signing for Authors, Authors will be on Women of Essence Talk Show, RedCarpet Affair, Photo Shoot and you will also be featured in Women of Essence TV Magazine. If you are interested your hotel accommodations, transportation and food will be paid for. You must pay for your airplane fair.

Authors must have at least 65 books.
Books cannot be over price.
Authors must send a copy of their book/books to Women of Essence TV for review.
P.O. Box 20651
Houston, Texas 77225