Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Dr Maya Angelou's Advice To Women Seeking Power

Dr Maya Angelou Says Develop Courage, Celebrate Success and Don't Let Anyone Bring You Down.

“I think women have to develop courage. You’re not born with courage, but you develop it. Try to develop your courage with smaller things. If someone wants to pick up 100 lbs, they start by picking up 5 lbs, and then build up their muscles. It’s the same with courage.
One way to develop courage is to not entertain company who debase you. Don’t laugh at someone who is laughing at you or putting you down. Take offense. When someone says ‘I hope you won’t be offended,’ then you probably will be.
Whether you’re black, white, Asian or any race, don’t let pejoratives be used around you; just leave. Otherwise, you will have participated in bringing someone else down. You don’t need to say why you’re leaving — say you’re on your way to Bangkok or something.
Do little things that make you proud of yourself. If you want to cook, then cook. If you want to start exercising, don’t try to walk 10 miles; walk three blocks. If you want to read, take the time to do so. If you want to learn a new language, get a book or audio cassette to help you. No one has to know or see what you’re doing.You will like yourself more when you have a few victories under your belt.
Once you have a few victories under your belt, you will realize that you are worth it. That’s how you become powerful, by building yourself up through small victories.”

~Dr. Maya Angelou


By Bishop T.D. Jakes
1.  Don’t expect to be appreciated. Your only expectation should be to get a Paycheck. Don’t come to work to have personal relationships. Don’t allow what you do to affect who you are.
2.  Do your job well, but remember your mission. God put you there to be a light.
3.  Seek opportunities to change the atmosphere without commentating on the problems. You have a God to talk to. You’re on assignment. In quietness and competence shall be your strength.
4.  Don’t let you’re environment get inside of you. You should influence it, not let it influence you. Stop going to work to be fed you didn’t come to receive, you came to give.
5.  Increase your capacity to work with different personalities. God will often bless through people you don’t even like!
6.  Remember where you are does not define where you are going. This will deliver you from frustration. God has a plan for your life. Keep your eye on the prize. When Peter did this , he was able to walk in what other people sank in!
7.  Get the optimum results with minimal confusion. Be affective without making the environment worse.
8.  Don’t be associated with one group or clique. Labels limit your usefulness. God wants you to work with everybody but be labeled by nobody. Use all your gifts.
9.  Always keep your song near you. Keep a consecrated place in your soul. Hold on to your praise.
10.  Understand that God anoints you for trouble Put on the whole armour of God before going to work.
Points from T.D Jakes